Challenges and Opportunities of Integrating Autonomous Vehicles into Urban Retail Delivery Services


  • Maxim Mnyakin Department of International Cooperation, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia


Autonomous vehicles, Challenges, Infrastructure, Opportunities, Urban retail delivery services


The purpose of this study is to investigate the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating autonomous vehicles into urban retail delivery services. The study found that integrating autonomous vehicles into urban retail delivery services presents both challenges and opportunities. The challenges include safety concerns, regulation, infrastructure, job displacement, and cybersecurity. The development of new regulations and policies to accommodate autonomous vehicles in urban areas may take time and effort. The infrastructure such as charging stations and maintenance facilities will also need to be developed to support autonomous vehicles, which could be costly and time-consuming. Job displacement may also be a concern as the adoption of autonomous vehicles may decrease the number of jobs available for delivery drivers and other workers in the retail sector. Cybersecurity is also an issue as autonomous vehicles rely on software and communication systems that are vulnerable to hacking and cyber attacks. On the other hand, the study found that integrating autonomous vehicles into urban retail delivery services can bring opportunities, such as improved efficiency, reduced emissions, increased accessibility, improved customer experience, and cost savings. Autonomous vehicles can operate 24/7 and optimize delivery routes, reducing the time and cost of deliveries. They can also be electric, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality in urban areas. Autonomous vehicles can operate in areas that are difficult or dangerous for human drivers, enhancing accessibility. Additionally, autonomous vehicles can reduce the cost of delivery services by eliminating the need for human drivers and reducing fuel and maintenance costs.




How to Cite

Mnyakin, M. . (2023). Challenges and Opportunities of Integrating Autonomous Vehicles into Urban Retail Delivery Services. Reviews of Contemporary Business Analytics, 6(1), 14–28. Retrieved from